Below is a compilation of recent books by ANU academics working on Malaysia. There are many other publications such as journal articles and policy reports which are not able to be listed here.
Research and Collaborations
The Australian National University is a leading centre for research on Malaysia. The ANU Malaysia Institute is the only Malaysia-specific research centre in Australia.
The ANU Malaysia Institute often collaborates with academic and institutional partners in Malaysia and abroad. Our scholars collaborate regularly with Malaysian and other international scholars for their specific research projects. Previous institutional collaborative activities have included
- The Institute For Democracy and Economic Affairs
- The Institute of Ethnic Studies (KITA),
- The Institute of Malaysian and International Studies,
- the Malaysian Studies program at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore,
- Malaysia’s leading news portal MalaysiaKini
- and the Australian High Commission in Kuala Lumpur.
Selected works
Dr Ying Xin Show has compiled the following list of selected works on Malaysia by ANU scholars in the field of Malaysian history, politics, society, economics, development, laws, literature and culture.
Read more
- A guide to Malaysian studies resources available from ANU Library:
- Malay Concordance project, an initiative by Dr. Ian Proudfoot:
- Bellwood, Peter. Pre-history of the Indo-Malaysian Archipelago. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1997.
- Bellwood, Peter. Archaeological Research in South-Eastern Sabah. Kota Kinabalu: Sabah Museum and State Archives, 1988.
- Cheah, Boon Kheng. Red Star Over Malaya: Resistance and Social Conflict During and After the Japanese Occupation of Malaya, 1941–46. 4th edition. Singapore: NUS Press, 2012.
- Cooke, Nola and Li Tana (eds). “Special issue on Chinese in the Malay Speaking World”. Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies, Volume Three, 2009.
- Cody, Mary Kilcline. The Trial Of Mrs Proudlock:Law, Government and Society In British Malaya, 1911. Unpublished ANU PhD Thesis, 2011.
- Khor, Sandra Manickam. Taming the Wild: Aborigines and Racial Knowledge in Colonial Malaya. Singapore: NUS Press, 2015.
- Hooker, Virginia M. A Short History of Malaysia: Linking East and West. Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin, 2003.
- Hooker, Virginia M. (trans., ed), Tuhfat al-nafis: Sejarah Melayu-Islam. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1981. Republished in English as The Precious Gift (Tuhfat al-Nafis), Institut Terjemahan & Buku Malaysia Berhad, Kuala Lumpur, 2012. Received Anugerah Buku Terjemahan Terbaik (Best Translated Book Award), 2013.
- Malhi, Amrita. Forests of Islam: Territory, Environment and Holy War In Terengganu, Malaya, 1928. Unpublished ANU PhD Thesis, 2010.
- Proudfoot, Ian. “The print threshold in Malaysia”. Working papers no.88. Clayton, Vic. : Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Monash University, 1994.
- Proudfoot, Ian. Early Malay Printed Books: A Provisional Account of Materials Published In The Singapore-Malaysia Area Up To 1920, Noting Holdings In Major Public Collections. Kuala Lumpur: Academy of Malay Studies and the Library, University of Malaya, 1993.
- Proudfoot, Ian. Old Muslim Calendars of Southeast Asia. Leiden, Boston : Brill, 2006
- Raimy Ché-Ross. The Royal Letters of Baginda Omar : Sultan Terengganu Darul Iman IX Marhum Baginda (1806-1876). Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia Yayasan DiRaja Sultan Mizan, 2015.
- Reid, Anthony. Malaysia/Singapore as Immigrant Societies. Armidale, NSW: UNEAC for the Malaysia and Singapore Society of Australia, 2008.
- Reid, Anthony and Lance Castles (eds). Pre-colonial State Systems in Southeast Asia : the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Bali-Lombok, South Celebes. Kuala Lumpur: MBRAS, 1975.
- Roff, William R., The Origins of Malay Nationalism, University of Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpur, 1967.
- Sadka, Emily (Emma). The Protected Malay States 1874-1895. Kuala Lumpur : University of Malaya Press, 1968.
- Show, Ying Xin and Ngoi Guat Peng (eds). Revisiting Malaya: Uncovering Historical and Political Thoughts in Nusantara. Petaling Jaya: Gerakbudyaa, 2020.
- Wang, Gungwu (ed). Malaysia. A Survey. Melbourne: F. W. Cheshire, 1964.
- Wang, Gungwu. Only Connect!: Sino-Malay Encounters. Singapore : Times Academic Press, 2001.
- Yen, Ching-Hwang. A Social History of The Chinese In Singapore and Malaya, 1800-1911. Singapore : Oxford University Press, 1986.
Politics and Society
- Clark, Marshall and Pietsch, Juliet. Indonesia-Malaysia relations: Cultural heritage, politics and labour migration, London: Routledge, 2014.
- Crouch, Harold. Government and Society in Malaysia. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1996.
- Crouch, Harold. Malaysia’s 1982 General Election. Singapore: ISEAS, 1982.
- Funston, John. Malay Politics in Malaysia, 1945-1969: A study of the United Malays National Organisation and Party Islam. Kuala Lumpur: Heinemann Educational Books, 1980.
- Hamayotsu, Kikue. Demobilizing Islam: Institutionalized Religion and The Politics Of Co-Optation In Malaysia. Unpublished ANU PhD Thesis, 2005.
- Heryanto, Ariel & Mandal, Sumit K. (eds) 2003, Challenging Authoritarianism in Southeast Asia: comparing Indonesia and Malaysia, Routledge Curzon, New York, London.
- Hooker, Virginia and Norani Othman (eds), Malaysia: Islam, Society and Politics,
- Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 2003.
- Li Narangoa and Robert Cribb, ‘Nations-of-Intent: From Counter-Factual History to Counter-Factual Geography’, Journal of Historical Geography36 (2010), pp. 276–285.
- Marzuki Mohamad. Communalism, law and state power: the limits of political change in Malaysia. Unpublished ANU PhD Thesis, 2008.
- Milner, Anthony. Kerajaan: Malay Political Culture on the Eve of Colonial Rule. University of Arizona Press, 1982.
- Milner, Anthony. The Invention of Politics in Colonial Malaya. Cambridge, New York, Cambridge University Press, 1995.
- Milner, Anthony. The Malays. Malden, MA, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Pub., 2008.
- Norshahril Saat. Striving to Capture The State: Official Ulema In Indonesia And Malaysia. Unpublished ANU PhD Thesis, 2015.
- Tapsell, Ross, 2013, 'The Media Freedom Movement in Malaysia and the Electoral Authoritarian Regime', Journal of Contemporary Asia, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 613-635.
- Tapsell, Ross, 2013, 'Negotiating Media 'Balance' in Malaysia's 2013 General Election', Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 39-60.
Economics, Development and Laws
- Athukorala, Prem-chandra, Crisis and recovery in Malaysia : the Role of Capital Control. Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar, 2001.
- Barlow, Colin (ed.), Modern Malaysia in the Global Economy : Political and Social Change into the 21st century. Northampton, MA, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Pub., 2001.
- Barlow, Colin. The Natural Rubber Industry : Its Development, Technology, and Economy in Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1978.
- Barlow, Colin and K. Jayasuirya. Bias towards the Large farm subsector in agricultural research: the case of Malaysian Rubber. Canberra: Australian National University. 1984.
- Juli Edo. Claiming Our Ancestors’ Land: An Ethnohistorical Study of Seng-Oi Land Rights In Perak, Malaysia. Unpublished ANU PhD Thesis, 1998.
- Hill, Hal, Tham Siew Yean and Ragayah Haji Mat Zin. Editors. Malaysia's Development Challenges : Graduating from the Middle. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, New York: Routledge, 2012.
- Hooker, M.B. A Concise Legal History of South-East Asia. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978.
- Hooker, M.B(ed.). Malaysian Legal Essays: A Collection of Essays in Honour of Professor Emeritus Datuk Ahmad Ibrahim. Kuala Lumpur: Singapore: Malayan Law Journal Pte Ltd., 1986.
- Hooker, M.B. “The Laws of South-East Asia: Volume 2: European Laws in South-East Asia”. Singapore: Butterworth & Co. (Asia) Pte. Ltd.,1988.
- Hooker, M.B. The Personal Laws of Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, New York: Oxford University Press, 1976.
- Kam, Andrew Jia Yi. Malaysian Industrialisation: Production Fragmentation, Productivity and Technology Spillovers. Unpublished ANU PhD Thesis, 2012
- Young, Mei Ling. Circuits of Migration: A Structural Analysis of Migration In Peninsular Malaysia. Unpublished ANU PhD Thesis, 2004.
Literature and Culture
- Campbell, Christine. Contrary Visions: Women and Work in Malay Novels Written by Women . Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 2004.
- Chan, Amy Wai Yee. Composing race and nation: intercultural music and postcolonial identities in Malaysia and Singapore. Unpublished ANU PhD Thesis, 2005.
- Choo, Simon Teck-Soon. Rasa rasa Malaysia : Taste, the Senses and the Production of Meaning through an Anthropology of 'Malaysian' Food. Unpublished ANU PhD Thesis, 2007.
- Emmanuel, Mark. Print as Pulpit: An Epistemic Community and The Formation of a New Malay Economic Discourse in Malay Newspapers and Magazines in Malaya during The Great Depression, 1930-1935. Unpublished ANU PhD Thesis, 2005.
- Hooker, Virginia M. Writing a New Society: Social Change through the Novel in Malay. St Leonards, NSW: Asian Studies Association of Australia in association with Allen & Unwin, 2000.
- Johns, Anthony H. Cultural Options and the Role of Tradition: A Collection of Essays on Modern Indonesian and Malaysian Literature. Canberra: ANU Press, 1979.
- Khoo, Gaik Cheng. Reclaiming Adat: Contemporary Malaysian Film and Literature, Canada: UBC Press, 2006.
- Putten, Jan van der and Mary Kilcline Cody. Lost Times and Untold Tales from the Malay World. Singapore: NUS Press, 2011
- Philip, Mary Susan. Re-Scripting Identities: Performativity in The English-Language Theatres of Singapore And Malaysia. Unpublished ANU PhD Thesis, 2005.
Menzies Library, ANU

The Menzies Library at the ANU is a place of world-renowned resources on the Asia-Pacific, including Malaysia. The library employs a number of specialist Southeast Asianist librarians.
The Malay Concordance Project

The Malay Concordance Project is a project of the late ANU Professor and Malaysia specialist, Ian Proudfoot, which offers a searchable corpus of over 5.8 million words of pre-modern Malay text.
New Mandala

Our staff, collaborators and visitors often contribute to analysis on ANU's flagship Southeast Asia blog site, New Mandala.